The Field Guide is a series of conversations on the challenges currently facing local agricultural producers.
Latest Episodes
Episode 19 - The Future of Soil Health with Tim Little
In this episode, we discuss what the future of soil health practices with Tim Little on his farm near Dundas, Minnesota.

Episode 18 - A History of Soil Conservation Practices with Tim Little
In this episode, we have a conversation about soil conservation and various soil health practices on Tim Little's farm.

Episode 17 - Cover Crops, Forage Options, and Solar Panels
In this episode, we finish our conversation with Dan and Erin Honken of Honken Farms. We talk about cover crop management and use, different forage options, and cost-s...

Episode 16 - Cover Crops and Pasture Management
In this episode: We travel to Rice County and talk with Dan and Erin Honken of Honken Farms. We talk about Kernza, cover crops, and pasture management.

Episode 15 - Introducing our Newest Guest Host
In this episode, we introduce a new guest host of the podcast, Shane Bugeja.